
Monday, January 17, 2011

To Market, To Market Crochet Circle Bag

Shop in durable style with this easy-to-crochet bag!  Endlessly reusable, this bag is cute ’n crafty and fun to make, too!  It would make wonderful gift.

The bag is worked in-the-round in one continuous piece.  The only seam is at the end of the strap – hooray!  If you don’t have enough of any one color to make the entire bag, consider making each part (base, sides, edging/strap) in a different color.  Otherwise, pull all your scraps together for an eclectically cute tote!

You can easily adjust the size of your bag; just work each part (base, sides, edging/strap) until it is big enough, then proceed to the next part.  You can also use a different combination of hook and yarn; just be sure to use a strong fiber such as cotton, hemp, linen, or nylon.

♥ approx. 6 oz. worsted weight cotton yarn
♥ size G/6 (4.25 mm) crochet hook
♥ yarn needle, scissors, tape measure

GAUGE: (not critical) work to round 3 of base — piece should be approx. 3” across
APPROX. FINISHED SIZE: 9.5” across by 10” tall, excluding strap

Round 1: With G hk and a single strand of yarn, form a ring (I used the “sliding loop” method). Ch 3 (counts as dc), work 11 dc into ring. Join with a ss to top of ch-3. (12 sts)

Round 2: ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in same st, 2 dc in each st around. Join with a ss to top of ch-3. (24 sts)

Round 3: ch 3 (counts as dc), 2 dc in next st. *dc in next st, 2 dc in next st. Rep from * around. Join with a ss in top of ch-3. (36 sts)

Round 4: ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in next st, 2 dc in next st. *Dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st. Rep from * around. Join with a ss in top of ch-3. (48 sts)

Continue in established patt, increasing 12 sts each round, until 10 rounds have been completed. (120 sts)

Round 1: ch 5 (counts as dc and ch-2 sp). *skip next 2 sts, dc in next st, ch 2. Rep from * around. Join with a ss in 3rd ch of ch-5. (40 ch-3 sp)

Round 2-18: ch 5 (counts as dc and ch-2 sp). *skip ch-2 space, dc in next dc, ch 2. Rep from * around. Join with a ss in 3rd ch of ch-5.

Round 1: ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in next 2 chs. *dc in next dc, dc in next 2 chs. Rep from * around. Join with a ss into top of ch-3. (120 sts)

Round 2-3: ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in next st and each st around. Join with a ss in top of ch-3.

Row 1 (RS): ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in next 8 sts. (9 sts) Turn.

Row 2: ch 3 (counts as dc), skip first st, dc in next st and each st across (last dc will be in top of ch-3). (9 sts) Turn.

Continue working back-and-forth over these 9 sts until strap measures approx. 30 in. long, ending on a RS row. Turn bag inside out. Center strap end on opposite side of edging (be careful not to twist strap). *Insert hk into next st of strap and corresponding st on edging. Yoh and pull through all lps on hk. Rep from * across strap end to seam. Finish off. Weave in loose ends.

This pattern is on Ravelry!


  1. Nice! I still haven't made myself a market bag...

  2. Thanks! This is an ultra-easy pattern for making your first bag. :)

  3. Love this blog!


  4. Thanks so much, Karen! (Go CAPS!) :)

  5. THis may seem a silly question but in your Gauge it says to work to round 3 of the base.. Are you stopping and starting the sides at round 3?? I worked to the 10 rounds and it seems HUGE...

    Looking forward to a response..


  6. Samantha,

    No, what I meant by the gauge was that after you work round 3 of base, the base should be approximately 3" across. Gauge is not critical and you can make the bag any size you want, so if 10 rounds is too large, simply do as many rounds as seems appropriate and then start working the sides.


Thank you so much for stopping by! If you have any questions or comments about my patterns, do speak up.